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Club night and Little River Field trip – further information

As we are still in level 2 the club night this Tuesday 15th will not be held at the clubrooms. It will be live-streamed just like last time and commentated by the amazing Ross Lawler

Steve Attwood has passed on advice for those attending the little River Field trip on Saturday 26th September. He says…

The site is very exposed, no opportunity for shade or shelter anywhere so suitable clothing for wind, cold and sun. If it is a hot day you can get very badly sun and wind burnt out there very quickly. Ditto a cold day you will chill down very quickly without the right gear. Don’t rely on the weather forecast,  bring suitable clothing to change into in the car as the weather out there changes rapidly. Hats and sunglasses recommended.  
Footwear must be suitable for rough ground and wet and muddy conditions. Gumboots ok as long as tight-fitting, otherwise they just get sucked off in the mud. I recommend decent walking or tramping shoes and bring along a supermarket bag to hold spare pair of shoes and then swap them at the end of the day and put your muddy shoes
A tramping stick/walking poleis strongly recommended, especially for the mudflat areas. While primarily a birding trip, the area is very scenic and there are also fascinating plants and invertebrates,  so people might want to bring a landscape and macro lens if they have one, in addition to their birding lens. Binoculars are handy if people don’t mind carrying the extra gear

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