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What’s on in November?

Everything you need to know about the next few weeks all on one page

Tuesday 12thSupreme Image of the Year

Entries close midnight

Competition for the ‘best of the best’ of 2019

Images that have received an Honours, Acceptance or been selected to represent the Society in an external competition are eligible. Images must be submitted as originally entered. Up to two digital and two printed images may be entered

Supreme image will be selected for each grade and an overall Champion

Wednesday 13thNature Photography

with Sandra Fleet, 7pm at Clubrooms.

This will be the last camera craft of the year. No need to register just bring along your camera, longest telephoto lens, USB stick and a willingness to learn, for more information

Tuesday 19th – Portfolio judging

7pm Woodend Community Centre, School Road, Woodend

There will be large screen for your viewing pleasure.

The results of the final online challenge (Hands) will also be shown.

Please bring a shared plate of food for supper and non alcoholic drinks

Saturday 30th – 70’s Final Night

Wear your 1970’s inspired costumes and get down and boogie!

Starts 7pm Fernside Hall, Oxford Road.

$15 a ticket – see David Woodcock. Selling fast! Prize for best costume, raffles, live band, supper and bus home all included in ticket price.

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