There is lots to let you know about this month so please read carefully and save this email for future reference
Mon 31 August 11.30pm
Online challenge prompt “doors” closes
Tues 1st Sept – Showtime
Due to still being in level 2 we have decided not to meet at the clubrooms. All photos that were submitted for Showtime will be live-streamed this evening from 7 pm – link will be available through the Facebook page and on the website calendar. If you have an AV hold on to this. We are planning a night later in the month for these
Tues 8th Sept – AGM Clubrooms 7 pm
You should have received an email from Steven with all the relevant documents and nomination forms
We will be adhering to social distancing rules with chairs set 1 metre apart, there will also be hand sanitizer and masks will be available (if you would rather bring your own then please do) There won’t be any supper this evening or raffles
Tues 15th Sept – Judging 2nd Open Clubrooms 7pm
Hopefully, we will be out of level 2 by this evening. If so we are all back to normal but if not the evening will be live-streamed
Wed 16th Sept – Set subject (Singular) closes 11.30pm
Get your ‘uno’, ‘tahi’, ‘jeden’, ‘eins’, ‘ichi’ images in please
Wed 16th Sept – Camera craft/Light and Sound Festival field trip combo
Clubrooms 6 pm (note earlier than usual time)
Steven will be running this evening as a joint camera craft that was cancelled and a trip down to the Light Festival – The spaces for this will be limited to 30. Please email Steven to register [email protected]
The Waimakariri Winter Festival team are running 2 festivals this year. Light festival 16 -19th September and Colour Festival 20th Septemeber
They are looking for volunteers to man these events, mainly for the Sunday Festival of Colour, even just an hour or two really helps out. But also for Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat night. If anyone is interested please contact them at [email protected]
Colour Festival – 20 September
We are looking for 6 people to represent the club and take photos for the day. If you are interested please email Cathy by 15th Sept [email protected]
Saturday 26th Sept Field trip – Little River
Details have been emailed to all and post on Facebook linking to the info on the website blog
Tuesday 29th Sept – Extra club night
Clubrooms 7pm. Everything crossed that we will be meeting by this stage
Bring along your AV’s. This evening we will also be showing online challenge entries, suitcase challenge and anything else that needs catching up on for the month
PSNZ members – the books have arrived so you can pick them up the next time you are at the clubrooms
Question – Does anyone have, hiding around their house, a RPS high vis vest? – if you do could you please return the next chance you get
Links for Festivals
Colour Festival
Light and Sound Festival
Congratulations to:
Karina Templeton for Best A Grade and Champion image
Tabitha Andrews for Best B Grade image
Martin Kircher for Best C Grade image
Many thanks to our judge, Dave Wethey
Heads up
Final Night -75 Diamond Anniversary Celebration – Saturday 21st Nov 6 pm
We have booked the Rangiora RSA for a 2-course meal and prizegiving. We are just finalising a few things before having the tickets ready for purchase – all the details including price will be sent out shortly