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Remember the 29th March … extra meeting
7pm at the clubrooms

AND – no more mandated vaccine passes!!! Face masks aren’t compulsory but you are welcome to wear them and if you are in an at risk group we invite you to do so.

Come along and learn how a judge assesses an image and then break into small groups and do your own judging of supplied images. Such a great way to learn more about what to look for when we are entering comps.

Good fun while increasing our savvy.

Bring a pen and paper and your brain!


ALSO subs just about out of time – need to be paid by next Thursday. After this the Facebook page will be stripped back to current members only. 

Go to  and choose the right membership level.

After you have paid, you can go to  for a copy of your invoice. This only works for those who renewed via the website.

Happy snapping, and see you next week!