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A huge thanks to our judge Kevin Bowie, and thanks to him for taking the time to attend to present results also.

Moody Matheson
Peters Pool
Wine Country
Waipara Country
Tekapo On Fire
West Coast
Twizel Hoar Frost
Mount Wellington God Rays
Mt Taranaki
The Vulcan, South Bay Motunau
Tunnel Beach – Dunedin
McLean Falls
Mt Cook from Lake Benmore
It's clearing up
Haast – Pleasant Point
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Farm Road
Ashley River
Mist again!!
Play Misty for Me….
Franz Josef
Conway Flat
Lake Lyndon
View from Balmoral Fire Lookout
Gum Tree Valley
Early Morning Nude Landscape
Rock window
The Remarkables
Speargrass Flat
Standing Tall
Waimakariri Sunrise
Foggy Morning
Calverley Beach
Borland Saddle
Katiki Beach
Autumnal Colours Leader Road
Sunset over Ravenswood
Valley view
Rock & Range
Morning Rise
Old Growth Forest
Lake Alexandrina
McLeans Falls
Early morn Lake Heron
Bush scene Arthurs Pass
Autumn glory
Alpine vista
Bass Strait Sunset
South Australia Coastline
Spirit Island
Gateway to adventure
Kaikoura Sunrise
Mountain Road Marlborough
St Kilda Dusk
Storm in Kaikoura Mountains
Lake Heron
Lake Pukaki
Rakaia George in the distance
View from Mt Cheeseman
Hidden Beauty
Fantail Falls Haast Pass
Punakaiki Coast
Late spring snow, Lindis Pass
Queensland Sunrise
Late Afternoon
Mooloolaba Rocks
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Moody Matheson
Moody Matheson
Peters Pool
Peters Pool
Wine Country
Wine Country
Waipara Country
Waipara Country
Tekapo On Fire
Tekapo On Fire
West Coast
West Coast
Twizel Hoar Frost
Twizel Hoar Frost
Mount Wellington God Rays
Mount Wellington God Rays
Mt Taranaki
Mt Taranaki
The Vulcan, South Bay Motunau
The Vulcan, South Bay Motunau
Tunnel Beach - Dunedin
Tunnel Beach – Dunedin
McLean Falls
McLean Falls
Mt Cook from Lake Benmore
Mt Cook from Lake Benmore
It's clearing up
It's clearing up
Haast - Pleasant Point
Haast – Pleasant Point
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Farm Road
Farm Road
Ashley River
Ashley River
Mist again!!
Mist again!!
Play Misty for Me....
Play Misty for Me….
Franz Josef
Franz Josef
Conway Flat
Conway Flat
Lake Lyndon
Lake Lyndon
View from Balmoral Fire Lookout
View from Balmoral Fire Lookout
Gum Tree Valley
Gum Tree Valley
Early Morning Nude Landscape
Early Morning Nude Landscape
Rock window
Rock window
The Remarkables
The Remarkables
Speargrass Flat
Speargrass Flat
Standing Tall
Standing Tall
Waimakariri Sunrise
Waimakariri Sunrise
Foggy Morning
Foggy Morning
Calverley Beach
Calverley Beach
Borland Saddle
Borland Saddle
Katiki Beach
Katiki Beach
Autumnal Colours Leader Road
Autumnal Colours Leader Road
Sunset over Ravenswood
Sunset over Ravenswood
Valley view
Valley view
Rock & Range
Rock & Range
Morning Rise
Morning Rise
Old Growth Forest
Old Growth Forest
Lake Alexandrina
Lake Alexandrina
McLeans Falls
McLeans Falls
Early morn Lake Heron
Early morn Lake Heron
Bush scene Arthurs Pass
Bush scene Arthurs Pass
Autumn glory
Autumn glory
Alpine vista
Alpine vista
Bass Strait Sunset
Bass Strait Sunset
South Australia Coastline
South Australia Coastline
Spirit Island
Spirit Island
Gateway to adventure
Gateway to adventure
Kaikoura Sunrise
Kaikoura Sunrise
Mountain Road Marlborough
Mountain Road Marlborough
St Kilda Dusk
St Kilda Dusk
Storm in Kaikoura Mountains
Storm in Kaikoura Mountains
Lake Heron
Lake Heron
Lake Pukaki
Lake Pukaki
Rakaia George in the distance
Rakaia George in the distance
View from Mt Cheeseman
View from Mt Cheeseman
Hidden Beauty
Hidden Beauty
Fantail Falls Haast Pass
Fantail Falls Haast Pass
Punakaiki Coast
Punakaiki Coast
Late spring snow, Lindis Pass
Late spring snow, Lindis Pass
Queensland Sunrise
Queensland Sunrise
Late Afternoon
Late Afternoon
Mooloolaba Rocks
Mooloolaba Rocks
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Dunedin HillsideWayne AllottCWell seen abstract composition. The eye wanders through the image stopping at shapes and textures of interest.Accepted
Farm RoadCYour images must be sharp. Make sure your title is strongly connected to the image or what you are trying to convey.No award
Mt TaranakiWendy PopeCGreat capture we don’t often get this fortunate from a plane window. Nice side light revealing texture and colour of the landscape.Accepted
Early Morning Nude LandscapeCThe image is more about the shed rather than the landscape. The shallow DOF makes this point forcing the eye constantly to the shed.No award
Gum Tree ValleyLinda RitchieCThis photographer has created this image with a photographic eye. He/She has seen the elements available and made a composition that works within the framing allowed.Honours
FiordlandCBeautiful scene to photograph but let down by composition. A big highlight blow out and boat hardware top left are against you.No award
Morning RiseCMagic time of day. The boat and wake are an interesting reference point to give us a sense place, but watch how much weight you give them.No award
Late AfternoonDiane McGregorCNice composition and side lighting make this a pleasing image.Accepted
Mt Cook from Lake BenmoreHayden McCoyCGreat shot of Mt.Cook with evening light showing lots of detail.Accepted
Queensland SunriseCAt this time of day look at where the light is falling.

Especially to the side and behind you, that’s where the magic will be
No award
Lake AlexandrinaCPoint and shoot on a sunny day… go back to this place at dusk.No award
Sunset over RavenswoodCThe elements are here for an interesting image but not in a strong compositional way. Foreground highlights

are distracting rather than adding to the scene.
No award
Tunnel Beach – DunedinHayden McCoyCGreat landscape subject captured here. The textures and colours, the time of day and the dramatic sky make this a strong image… except for the annoying foreground rock. Accepted
NelsonLakesCNice shot and colours. Pleasing composition.No award
Ashley RiverCYou’ve got to make your composition stronger.

Was it the colour of the bushes against the trees that caught your eye?… if so move closer
No award
Matsumoto Kath CosgroveCClean composition but would reduce sky exposure to bring the eye back to the interesting foreground.Accepted
Autumn gloryBBeautiful colours of course composition lets it down.No award
Standing TallBTree just not hero enough in shape or form or colour.

Reducing sky exposure would help to create a more dynamic image.
No award
DifferentLinesBInteresting subject taken from a viewpoint that makes this image very flat looking.No award
SunsetBA magic time of day but just not interesting enough in composition.No award
View from Mt Cheeseman BAwesome viewpoint but weak composition and file noise.No award
Rakaia George in the distance BPoint and shoot feel and lacking sharpness.No award
Conway FlatPeter WrightBLove this, a lot of thought from the photographer in camera with composition and in editing a mood or a feeling… maybe crop a little to the left?Honours
RouteburnAnna HeasleyBWatch distracting highlights, nice light and colour in the centre of the image.Accepted
Late spring snow, Lindis PassBNice image but sensor spot on righthand side of blue sky cost this image an acceptance.No award
South Australia CoastlineBNice light but watch out for bright highlight spots in any image. being closer to some of the land formations may have created more interest.No award
Franz JosefBThe eye wanders through this image mainly from left to right looking for somewhere to rest. I know this is a place of grandeur but struggle to get that feeling from this image.No award
West CoastBGreat light but image has a chopped off feel to it.No award
Fantail Falls Haast PassBrian EdmundsBGood exposure to capture the milky water. The righthand side could have benefitted from a touch more exposure.Accepted
Bass Strait SunsetBSunsets/sunrises are hard to get right especially in composition. The magic is often just being there and enjoying first/last rays of the day.

This image is let down by lens flare.
No award
Autumnal Colours Leader RoadBComposition is let down by foreground foliage distraction and out of focus background.No award
The Vulcan, South Bay Motunau Danielle ArmstrongBGood composition but end of day light may’ve been more moody?Accepted
Tekapo On Fire BFabulous colours but lower sky sensor spots let this image down.No award
Alpine vistaBComposition good but the flat light doesn’t help this image.No award
Spirit IslandSue TitmussAStrong composition with a nice feeling of balance through foreground, midground and background.

Would like to see more contrast in the background to give even more 3D affect to the image.
Wine CountryRose KerinAGood composition, nice light and colour.

Take care not to “chop off” subject.
Punakaiki CoastANice end of day light. Awkward position makes good composition difficult.No award
Storm in Kaikoura MountainsColleen LinnellAWell done on capturing a mood. Although righthand foreground quite soft.Accepted
McLeans FallsAGreat composition but blueish area to the right lets it down.No award
PurityCheryl MuirsonAGood composition but the highlights a little strong.Accepted
aloneJohn CosgroveAInteresting composition and nice work with colourAccepted
Peters PoolAObviously a difficult position to make this image with too much righthand foreground. Would have benefitted from a little gradient filtering the sky. No award
St Kilda DuskANice light and composition but horizon not level.No award
Old Growth ForestASome nice colours to exploit here but the out of focus foreground is distracting, weakening the composition.No award
The RemarkablesAGreat viewpoint but let down by “chopped off” editing.No award
Somewhere over the RainbowCheryl MuirsonAInteresting composition with plenty of detail in the highlights.Accepted
reflectionJohn CosgroveAGood composition but watch foreground Clean-upAccepted
Moody MathesonRoss LawlerAMood well captured but could be even stronger with a darker sky.Accepted
Mountain Road MarlboroughAGreat country but red stakes distracting along with sky and background which would have benefitted from a grad filter.No award
Katiki BeachSandra McCoyANice approach with colour making an interesting composition.Accepted
Speargrass FlatAInteresting viewpoint but just a point and shoot feel to it.No award
View from Balmoral Fire LookoutAAgain a great viewpoint but the light has made it difficult for a strong composition.No award
Haast – Pleasant PointAmy BoyceAGorgeous image, with soft foliage leading the eye into the water fall with lots of milky highlights.Honours
Mount Wellington God RaysAGreat viewpoint but not much detail between the blown out highlights and shadows.No award
Kaikoura SunriseEunice BelkAGood composition and nice lightAccepted
ManiototoAGood composition but again would have benefitted from a grad filter in the sky.No award
Lake LyndonAA point and shoot feel, watch for spots in the sky.No award
It’s clearing upANice composition withmoody light and colour.

Watch for editing trails around cliff face.
No award
Twizel Hoar FrostDavid BayleyAGood use of shapes and lines, with just a little more cropping of sky. Accepted
Hidden BeautyANot quite there for me as a composition, a pair of waders could have captured interesting light on the righthand side of the image.No award
Bush scene Arthurs PassAHardly anything for the eye to enjoy here.

Blocked up shadows and almost blown out highlights.
No award
Rock & RangeLyonne Van RobinsonANice evening light on Lake Tekapo with a pleasing composition of foreground, midground and background.  Accepted
Borland SaddleAlan McDougallAAgain the eye is lead into the image nicely, watch the scale of visual anchors in an image, in this image a bit small for my eye and is it even required?Accepted
McLean FallsCathy PriceAAnother stunning waterfall image with highlights in all the right places. The composition flows naturally with the water.The eye is lead from side to side throughout the image.Honours
Lake PukakiANice subject but a soft image particularly around the righthand foreground. Watch out for distracting elements around edge of images… especially highlights. No award
Early morn Lake HeronTrevor White (LPSNZ)AGorgeous, captured a beautiful mood here especially with a little bit of morning colour. Super tidy composition flowing throughout the image.Honours
Valley viewAGood composition but let down by a colour balance issue?No award
BadlandsAQuite a flat image in terms of composition and light.No award
Lake HeronRobyn YoungALovely mood, light, colour and composition.Honours
Calverley BeachAA different approach to a surf scene, but the eye wanders through a lot of no detail areas in the sand and sea and then again no where to rest in the highlights of the surf.No award
Rock windowPol SyrettAWell seen composition with nice balance of colour and contrast. Consider reducing image foreground and left side to force the eye to look into the hole on the rock. Clone out foreground highlights.   Accepted
Play Misty for Me….AThe elements required are here in this image but somewhere in the top half not the bottom half.No award
Mooloolaba RocksAllan McGregorAGood composition of texture and light make this an interesting image.Accepted
LightAThere is beautiful light here but not the composition to support it. No award
Foggy MorningAGreat time of day for colour and light but exposure too low creating too much noise in the image.No award
Mist again!!ANice composition but more a grey image rather than a true black and white approach which reveals more contrast. No award
ManorburnMichael MolloyAGood viewpoint creating an interesting image with the buildings giving a sense of scaleAccepted
Gateway to adventureSue TitmussAWould love to see this image with a more forbidding sky still a nice composition.Accepted
Waimakariri SunriseAWonderful timing of the light but the loss of strong foreground holds this one back.No award
Waipara CountryRose KerinANice composition with ground depth and vignetting holding the eye within the imageAccepted
Gum Tree ValleyLinda RitchieCBest C Grade
Conway FlatPeter WrightBBest B Grade
Haast – Pleasant PointAmy BoyceABest A Grade, Champion